
Module 1: Introduction to the Data Science Toolbox

In this module we will introduce you to several of the tools that we will be using in this course, as well as to computing in general.

0Module Learning Outcomes

1Introduction to the Data Science Toolbox

2✍️ Practice: The tools of the trade

3How to use JupyterLab

4✍️ Practice: JupyterLab basics

5Asking Effective Questions

6✍️ Practice: How to ask effectively

7What Did We Just Learn?

About this course

In this course, we will dive into the world of data science tools and utilities. While these tools are not strictly required for data analysis, they are necessary for maintaining efficient, reproducible, and collaborative workflows, and are essential building blocks for a successful and sustained data science career.

About the program

The University of British Columbia (UBC) is a comprehensive research-intensive university, consistently ranked among the 40 best universities in the world. The Key Capabilities in Data Science program was launched in September 2020 and is developed and taught by many of the same instructors as the UBC Master of Data Science program.